
Steve Rude Kickstarter Presale Store - Nexus and Art of Steve Rude 2024

Created by Steve Rude

The Battle for Thuneworld Miniseries is SOLD OUT. See us at Fan Fusion - we will have a few copies for sale there! Be sure to join us for the collected editions:

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Crodfunding Update: Project Closed
17 days ago – Wed, Aug 21, 2024 at 05:51:55 PM

Dear Backers,

We’re writing to officially announce the closure of our crowdfunding project. Thank you to everyone who supported our vision and made this possible.

Amazingly, we were able to reach ALL the backers from this project and get every single book out the door.  I don't think we've ever done that before.  Bravo!
If you haven't seen our next project yet, the Oversized 9x12 Nexus: Battle for Thuneworld TPB is now on presale along with our limited edition 2025 calendar.  [] 

Thank you again for your support, and don't forget to join our free Patreon and Backer's Lounge Discord Server! (links below)

Best regards,

Steve and Jaynelle Rude
Steve Rude Art
Rude Dude Productions

Join us on Patreon (it's free!)

Join us on Discord in the exclusive Backers-Lounge (also free!)

Shipping Update and Live Frazetta Demo
about 1 month ago – Sat, Aug 03, 2024 at 12:38:49 PM


Steve will be going LIVE with a Frazetta painting demo at 1:30 pm PST today for about an hour. 


All the USA orders should be shipped today and International orders as we process customs.  It's been tedious as PledgeBox did not properly transfer customs values so literally everyones order is messed up.  To ensure you are not overcharged for customs we are going through orders one at a time to ensure values are correct.

On the plus side, we are finding that often for just a few dollars more than what was paid FedEx is offering door to door service, customs prepaid!  If you are interested in getting a prepaid customs estimate please message us!  


If you haven't backed the Thuneworld Collected Edition it's a 9x12 OVERSIZED edition (no more small stuff for us!).  Once we hit $20,000 (87% there) we will add an exclusive 2025 Nexus calendar!  (who's on your gift list!)


Email to: [email protected]

Reply to this update

Shipping Update
about 1 month ago – Thu, Jul 25, 2024 at 07:26:50 PM

Mailing Update

It's official - we are never, like EVER using Pledgebox again.  It's causing all kinds of shipping headaches.  Even Prancer thinks so:

We're working hard to get orders out the door.  We have had issues with Pledgebox and Backerkit not sending out both ship notifications so if you don't receive your entire shipping order in 1 email never fear - we're working carefully to ensure all orders are combined.  And if we miss something it gets shipped out at our expense.

So as of right now, via Backerkit we have 5 backers who have decided they don't want to give us shipping addresses and we have just over 100 orders in the queue yet to get sent out.

Updated Discord Invite Code

As part of being a backer we have started a #backer-lounge on discord!  Become a part of shaping our future!  Want input on the future campaigns, influence cover designs? Just chat with the team?  Join us on our new server!

Joining Backerkit in Comictopia!

Thank you for all your support!  We are switching things up a little and this will be our LAST crowdfunder for 2024.  If you haven't picked up your copy yet, this will be an oversized 9x12 paperback and will not have identical extras to the individual comics.  Steve has also spotted several errors that will be fixed before publication.


The ovesized paperback collected edition will ship from us last October / Early November.  The Black Cover shown below is ONLY available from Comictopia.  The 3rd cover shown below is our variant.  Open edition during Comictopia.  Limited to 500 copies at a higher price later on.  Signed bookplate is an exclusive as are mini prints FREE for returning backers and Patreon supporters!


This card set is FREE when you back us and back our collaboration partner (digital counts if you have our physical mailing.  We will send you both cards)  Nexus is the 00 card that will form the base for an exclusive set - more details when we hit $15,000!


Red Skirts started as a Sci-Fi parody webcomic but has evolved into a love letter to Sci-Fi TV shows & movies from the 1960s to the 1980s. It's about five women demoted to security detail on a massive spaceship. A death sentence for sure, but they've managed to stay alive by playing to each other's strengths and working together against whatever the universe throws at them. If you loved Lower Decks, The Orville, and Galaxy Quest, then Red Skirts is your new page-turning sci-fi comedy adventure series!

Check out their campaign: CLICK HERE

Thank you for your support!

The Rude Dude Crew

Launching today: Nexus: Battle for Thuneworld Collected Edition
about 2 months ago – Thu, Jul 18, 2024 at 08:40:19 AM

We're thrilled to announce that TODAYis the official launch day for the It's Launch Day! Join Us Live for the Nexus: Battle for Thuneworld Collected Edition Kickoff! in collaboration with Backerkit for COMICTOPIA (a joint collaboration of over 30 comic projects)!  

We've poured our hearts and souls into this project, and we can't wait to share it with the world. But first, we want to celebrate with YOU!
Join us for a LIVE launch party stream this morning at 9:45 am PST on the crowdfunding page as well as YouTube! (See link below).

We'll be answering all your questions and taking a closer look at the 5-issue mini series books, original art and progress pages.

Join us in the first 48 hours and get a free Early Eggbird Nexus print!  See campaign for details.

If you are a Patreon supporter or a returning backer we have special rewards just for you!

Click here to see the project on Comictopia! 

We can't wait to see you there!


The Rude Dude Team
P.S. If you backed both the Art of Steve Rude and the Coming of Gourmando Miniseries we're starting to ship those orders TODAY as issue #5 arrived in house on Tuesday.  

The Future of Nexus and the Thuneworld TPB!
2 months ago – Mon, Jul 01, 2024 at 10:21:15 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.