
Steve Rude Kickstarter Presale Store - Nexus and Art of Steve Rude 2024

Created by Steve Rude

The Battle for Thuneworld Miniseries is SOLD OUT. See us at Fan Fusion - we will have a few copies for sale there! Be sure to join us for the collected editions:

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Launching today: Nexus: Battle for Thuneworld Collected Edition
9 days ago – Thu, Jul 18, 2024 at 08:40:19 AM

We're thrilled to announce that TODAYis the official launch day for the It's Launch Day! Join Us Live for the Nexus: Battle for Thuneworld Collected Edition Kickoff! in collaboration with Backerkit for COMICTOPIA (a joint collaboration of over 30 comic projects)!  

We've poured our hearts and souls into this project, and we can't wait to share it with the world. But first, we want to celebrate with YOU!
Join us for a LIVE launch party stream this morning at 9:45 am PST on the crowdfunding page as well as YouTube! (See link below).

We'll be answering all your questions and taking a closer look at the 5-issue mini series books, original art and progress pages.

Join us in the first 48 hours and get a free Early Eggbird Nexus print!  See campaign for details.

If you are a Patreon supporter or a returning backer we have special rewards just for you!

Click here to see the project on Comictopia! 

We can't wait to see you there!


The Rude Dude Team
P.S. If you backed both the Art of Steve Rude and the Coming of Gourmando Miniseries we're starting to ship those orders TODAY as issue #5 arrived in house on Tuesday.  

The Future of Nexus and the Thuneworld TPB!
26 days ago – Mon, Jul 01, 2024 at 10:21:15 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

New Private Discord Channel for Backers Only
about 1 month ago – Sun, Jun 23, 2024 at 07:49:53 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Backers Assemble! Join "Project Phoenix" and Shape the Future of Nexus
about 1 month ago – Wed, Jun 12, 2024 at 04:52:52 PM

Hey Backers,

You've helped me bring some incredible Nexus stories to life through Kickstarter, and for that, I'm eternally grateful. But the truth is, the traditional comic book world is a tough racket. Deadlines, printing costs, distribution nightmares - it's enough to make a guy want to hang up his drawing gloves.

But I'm not giving up. I'm fired up and ready to take Rude Dude to the next level!

That's why we're launching "Project Phoenix," our brand-new Patreon campaign. It's a way for my most dedicated fans (that's you!) to join forces with me, to support my work directly, and to become part of a creative revolution.

Here's what awaits you inside "Project Phoenix":

  • Direct Line to My Brain: Get early access to new Nexus pages, sketches, and behind-the-scenes glimpses into my creative process. It's like having a front-row seat to the madness!
  • Kick-Ass Rewards: Score exclusive prints, personalized commissions, original art from my archives, and even the chance to hang out with me and Jaynelle on Zoom or in person.
  • The Thune Sector HQ: Join our exclusive Discord server, connect with fellow fans, and become part of the Rude Dude inner circle.

Think of Patreon as your secret weapon, your way to fuel the future of Nexus and empower me to create the stories you crave. And don't worry, we'll still be launching epic Kickstarter campaigns for new projects!

This is your chance to be more than just a backer; it's your chance to be a partner, a co-conspirator in keeping the Rude Dude dream alive.

Join "Project Phoenix" today and let's make some comic book history!

Head over to now and check out the tiers. You won't be disappointed!

With heartfelt gratitude,

Steve & Jaynelle Rude


Shipping Started for 2024 Sketchbook Only
about 2 months ago – Sun, Jun 09, 2024 at 08:06:55 PM

If ordered the 2024 Sketchbook only (not the Battle for Thuneworld) your orders started shipping last week!  We should be able to finish those by Tuesday this week!


  • You do not receive shipping by Friday (and you did NOT order the Battle for Thuneworld)
  • You MOVED and need your address updated
  • You did not complete checkout (there are TWO people who did not finalize their orders!)


We are FINALLY finishing up the Battle for Thuneworld issues 4 and 5.  They are VERY VERY late, but Steve literally took issue 4 apart and half the book was rewritten.  We also let 2 designers go and now I'm doing their jobs as well!

Once we get those to the printer we will have ship and on sale dates!

We are crowdfunding the Collected Edition for Thuneworld July 18 - August 8 as part of Backerkit's COMICtopia!  We are pleased to be part of this monumental project!