
Steve Rude Kickstarter Presale Store - Nexus and Art of Steve Rude 2024

Created by Steve Rude

The Battle for Thuneworld Miniseries is SOLD OUT. See us at Fan Fusion - we will have a few copies for sale there! Be sure to join us for the collected editions:

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Earlybird Discount through Jan 14th
8 months ago – Tue, Jan 09, 2024 at 09:20:03 AM

Attention, adventurers!

Remember that early bird deal that flew away faster than a dragon with a sugar rush? Well, good news! We've heard your pleas for a second chance, and by the heart of Ylum, we're giving it to you!

Until Sunday, January 14th at MIDNIGHT Arizona Time (that's like, in a few winks of Merk's eye!), you can snag a signed sketchbook for a mere $30! Yes, you read that right. A personalized scribble from yours truly for the price of a fancy coffee? That's a steal even Nexus would envy. ☕️

Here's the epic loot waiting for you:

  • A badass sketchbook for all your artistic adventures.
  • Your very own signature scribbled by yours truly on an exclusive Dr Strange Bookplate. (Imagine the bragging rights!)
  • The warm fuzzy feeling of supporting an awesome project and making epic dreams come true.

Don't let this chance slip through your fingers faster than Judah dodging Gladys! Spread the word, gather your allies, and grab your signed sketchbook before the clock strikes midnight! ⏱️

Click here to claim your destiny (and the signed sketchbook):

#SecondChance #SignedSwag #SketchbookAdventures

P.S. Still not convinced? Just imagine new epic battles, intricate story lines, and amazong artwork, all in a book blessed by the hand of yours truly. Now, that's something even Alpha & Beta wouldn't dare steal!

Hold onto your brushes, we've got a brand new stretch goal!
8 months ago – Tue, Jan 09, 2024 at 08:01:18 AM

Example of a Nexus remarque on the bookplate - 1 remarque ADD-ON unlocked starting at 300 backers!

The Dude abides (with your help)! Reaching 2,000 backers would be a sweet, sweet dream. Imagine: no more monthly fund-raising, just crafting awesome stuff for you legends.

But hold onto your brushes, 'cause we got a brand new stretch goal! Thanks to your epic feedback, 50 hand-drawn Remarques on bookplates are about to unleash their artistic fury!

Starting at 300 backers, every 50 pledges unlocks one of these miniature masterpieces. Score one for $100 and turn your bookplate into a gallery-worthy treasure. Only 70 backers away!

So spread the word, share the love, and let's make this the best year ever for Rude Dude and NEXUS! Remember, with great backing comes great responsibility... or at least some truly badass Remarques. Deal?


8 months ago – Sat, Jan 06, 2024 at 11:23:15 AM

You amazing backers are blowing our minds! We launched less than a day ago, and your incredible support has already unlocked a stunning 8½ x11 in art print of Horatio Hellpop (aka: Nexus) and his partner, Sundra Peale based on Monet's "Girl on Hill" illustration! We're speechless, humbled, and overflowing with excitement for what's to come.

But wait, there's more!

The journey has just begun, and we have even more awesome stretch goals lined up. With your continued support, we can unlock exclusive bookplates, limited edition prints at amazing prices and even this super awesome jacket when we reach 1,500 backers!

Get your nexus jacket!
Super Cool NEXUS Jacket - This one is a favorite of Rude Dude staffers! Not sold to the public, this is a Kickstarter exclusive! Your choice Small - 5XL (See story for details)

How can you help?

  •  Spread the word! Share our campaign with your friends, family, and fellow Nexus Fans. Every share counts!
  •  Tell your local retailer! We have some amazing rewards waiting for them as well!  For the retail pledge level boxes if there’s extra room in the box they get extra stuff!  They can order extra copies through Diamond, but their direct support here helps us reach the next goal even faster.
  •  Leave a comment! We love hearing your feedback and excitement. It keeps us motivated and gives us the energy to keep pushing forward.

Together, we can make this project even more incredible. Thank you for believing in us, and let's keep this momentum going!

Onward to the next stretch goal!  Bookplates at 300 backers - only 96 backers away!

P.S. Don't forget to check out our campaign updates for more behind-the-scenes goodies and exclusive content. We'll be sharing sneak peeks, progress reports, and maybe even some fun surprises.